Port Authority of Allegheny County and Comcast install WiFi in rail stations

Port Authority of Allegheny County and Comcast today announced the availability of free WiFi service to passengers at seven of Pittsburgh’s busiest light rail stations.
Riders can access the service immediately.
“We continue to work to improve the riders’ experience, and providing WiFi available, free of charge, to the public does exactly that,” said County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. “We thank Comcast for its partnership with the Port Authority, and look forward to seeing and hearing how this amenity is received by our public transit users.”
Port Authority’s Board unanimously approved the seven-year, non-exclusive agreement with Comcast in January. The agreement permits Comcast to install wireless hotspots at Station Square, First Avenue, Steel Plaza Wood Street, Gateway, North Side and Allegheny stations. There is no cost to Port Authority.
“Customers have told us that they want the ability to stay connected while waiting for a train, and we are thrilled to have worked with Comcast to deliver this service,” said Port Authority Interim CEO David Donahoe. “We see this as an invaluable tool, especially once we roll out real-time tracking of our light rail vehicles, which is currently in a testing phase.”
The WiFi service is free to both Xfinity customers, who can sign in with their Xfinity user IDs and passwords, and non-Xfinity customers, who can create a user name and password. As with all Xfinity WiFi hotspots, devices register once and will automatically connect for all subsequent sessions.
Comcast already provides service for transit patrons in Philadelphia, Boston and southern New Jersey as part of the nation’s largest WiFi network.
“Comcast is pleased to build on its extensive and growing network of WiFi hotspots in and around Pittsburgh through this partnership with Port Authority,” said Christine Whitaker, senior vice president of Comcast’s Keystone Region. “Whether via Port Authority’s light rail vehicles or Comcast’s technology and network, we’re both committed to keeping Pittsburgh and Allegheny County connected.”
To locate Xfinity hotspots available at Port Authority stations and throughout the city, download the Xfinity WiFi App or visit www.xfinity.com/wifi.