Comcast’s Young Professionals Network Supports Their Community

Comcast Cares Day volunteers at Beaver County Humane Society.

Recently, Comcast’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) hosted a “PuppyPawty” for employees at the Beaver County Humane Society. More than 30 Comcasters helped take professional headshots of animals for the Society’s adoption website, installed an outdoor dog run, organized donations and made chew toys for the animals.

“We had an overwhelming amount of donations from YPN members,” said Conner Clyde, YPN Co-Lead “Our members love working together on projects that serve our neighbors – even our furry neighbors.” YPN strives to impact innovation, collaboration and exceptional business results at Comcast, while providing leadership, mentorship, networking and community service opportunities for future leaders, and supporting a company culture of inclusivity.

In addition, YPN recently hosted their Second Annual Golf Outing to benefit United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania. The event brought together 60 employees, raising approximately $4,000 at Moon Golf Club.

YPN is one of seven employee resource groups Comcast sponsors in their Keystone Region. ERGs are voluntary, employee-led organizations that help to foster employee awareness and respect in the workplace. Learn more about Comcast’s careers here.

three men holding trophies at a golf course

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