Preparing for Winter Storm Lorraine

We are tracking Winter Storm Lorraine predicted to bring rain, slush, sleet, ice, and snow to local areas.
What we’re doing: We’re stocking our trucks and positioning equipment like generators in locations where the worst conditions are expected to strike. Our technical operations team is standing at the ready to go out into neighborhoods, as soon as it is safe, to address any damage. And, as always, we’re closely monitoring our network so we can quickly respond to any changes.
What you can do: Download our Xfinity and Comcast Business apps to manage and check on your services, stay connected and entertained and more.
What happens if your power goes out: Your local utility provider must restore power before our technicians can start repairs. If you have power back but not your Xfinity or Comcast Business services, we recommend restarting or resetting devices, including wireless gateways, modems, routers and cable boxes. However, commercial power may still need to be restored to our network in another area for your services to return.
More on how we prepare, and how you can ready your home or business: We are committed to helping our residential and business customers stay connected to what’s most important to them — this winter weather season, and all year round. Here’s more on how we get ready for storms, and ways you can prepare your home or business.